Raven command

$ raven init

Initialization, this command leads you to improve the project information. Non-essential order. You can install the required dependencies directly, and later edit the project information with an text editor.

$ raven install

Automatically analyze package.json under the current path and install all production dependencies.

$ raven install -clean

By default, if a project depends on a C library, Raven automatically compiles it into a shared object. Use the -clean suffix in a production environment to automatically delete C source code files.

$ raven install -dev

Automatic analysis of the current path package.sc, and install all the development environment dependencies.

$ raven install PAKCKAGENAME

Automatically install the latest version of the dependency package to the current project lib folder and write it to the package.sc production environment dependencies.

$ raven install [email protected]

The specified version of the dependent package is automatically installed into the current project lib folder and written to the package.sc production environment.

$ raven install -dev PAKCKAGENAME

Automatically install the latest version of the dependent package to the current project lib folder and write it to the package.sc development environment dependencies.

$ raven install -dev [email protected]

Automatically installs the specified version of the dependent package into the current project's lib folder and writes it to the package.sc development environment dependencies.

# raven install -g PAKCKAGENAME

Install the latest version of the CLI tool, which will be installed under /usr/local/lib/raven/PACKAGENAME and soft link to /usr/local/bin.

$ raven install -g [email protected]

Install the specified version of the CLI tool, it will be installed to /usr/local/lib/raven/PACKAGENAME and soft link to /usr/local/bin.

$ raven uninstall PAKCKAGENAME

The current project lib folder deletes the current package.json production dependency and removes dependencies from the package.sc production environment.

$ raven uninstall -dev PAKCKAGENAME

In the current project lib folder delete the current package.json development environment dependent version and will rely on the package.sc development environment removed.

# raven uninstall -g PAKCKAGENAME

Clear the CLI tool.

$ raven pack

Packing automatically the current project.

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