Catapult is a official webframework for the Igropyr server.

install: raven install catapult

use: (import (catapult catapult))


procedure: (req (request_path handler) ...)

return: list

req accepts any number of s expressions.

request_path must be a string, and handler must be a procedure.

The returned list is structured as follows:

((request_path . handler)



procedure: (res content)

procedure: (res status content)

procedure: (res type content)

procedure: (res status type content)

procedure: (res status type cookie content)

return: string

res can take one to three arguments and preparer a string with a standard http header.

When res received two arguments and the first argument is int, the first argument is marked as status code.

When res received two arguments and the first argument is a string, the first arguments is marked as return type.

When res received three arguments, the first two arguments are sequentially marked as status code, return type. The first argument must be int.

In these cases, and when res received one arguments, content may be a list or a string.

If content is a list, its first element is marked as cookie and the second as response content.

If content is a string, it's marked as response content and cookie will be "".

When res received four arguments, the arguments are sequentially marked as status code, return type, cookie and response content. In this case, the first argument must be int and the others must be string.

Unmarked messages will use the default status: 200 type: text/html

Usually use to build the callback for Igropyr's procedure requestinstead of response.


procedure: (send file_path)

procedure: (send type file_path)

return: string

sendcan take one or two arguments.

when send received one arguments, is marked as file path.

When send received two arguments the first arguments is marked as return type and the second as file path.

Unmarked MIME type will be automatelly detected.

Usually use to build the callback for Igropyr's procedure requestinstead of sendfile.


procedure: (router route_list path)

return: procedure

Router accepts a list of routing information and a request path string, returns the matching path corresponding procedure.

The router supports calls to the Igropyr’s procedure par to fuzzy query, find the first traversal to match the full search,

When the return of all matching queries is empty, router fuzzy query with * included path, please write the route which containing * after which without to ensure high efficiency.

When the value is obtained will exit and return value, so please put "/*" at the end of the routing table.

The routing information list structure is:

((request_path . handler)


Where request_path must be a string, and handler must be a procedure.


procedure: (host? http-header)

return: string

Use to return host information in http-header.


procedure: (user-agent? http-header)

return: string

Use to return user-agent information in http-header.


procedure: (accept-language? http-header)

return: string

Use to return accept-language information in http-header.


procedure: (accept-encoding? http-header)

return: string

Use to return accept-encoding information in http-header.

procedure: (cookie? http-header)

return: string

Use to return cookie information in http-header.


procedure: (connection? http-header)

return: string

Use to return connection information in http-header.


procedure: (query-parser query key-value-spliter group-spliter)

return: association list

Use to convert query into a association list.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""